Starter Patch Examples

A collection of example patches that demonstrate functionalities of various units and strategies for creating original compositions!

You can click on the image or text to download each .zip file.

...or download all examples in a single .zip file from here.

01. Basic Digial Signal Processing

Atmospheric DSP chain with Chorus and Reverb

Using Rand unit with oscillators

Using Microphone input

Chromatically setting Sampler pitch by converting note offset to playback rate

02. Procedural Graphics 

Modulating Webcam input with Fractional Brownian Motion (FBM)

Procedural sci-fi themed

arc graphics

Procedural pixelated grid graphics

3D Ray-marching renderer with multi-pass reflections & refractions + dynamic lighting

03. External Input and Control

Sonifying Time category of Control units

Using Key-In unit to assign computer key input 

Using Open Sound Control (OSC) transmitter and receiver 

Using MIDI CC receiver to control RayTone canvas with MIDI controller

Are there any other examples that you would like to see?

or do you have any examples that you would like to share with the community?

Please feel free to contact us!